Saturday, December 6, 2008

Change Me Mama!

My little man is really starting to communicate in a way that I can understand what he actually wants. He tries to lift me up when I am seated when he wants me to go into another room. He has even grabbed my hand to take me to the 'nack closet (we keep all of our food in one pantry and the snack basket is in there). Today he pushed me away from the kitchen counter and had me follow him down the hall to his room because he had closed the door and wanted to get in to play.

The pictures above are from the other day when I was making dinner. Eric had been trying to get my attention but I was almost done prepping the food for the oven and asked him if he would, "wait a minute for mommy to finish?" He left the kitchen so I thought he understood me, however he came back with a diaper and laid on the floor so that I would change him. Of course, I grabbed my camera first (which I keep in the kitchen because most things happen in the kitchen) and then he let me know what I was in for by patting his bottom and saying, "Poo Poo!" Needless to say, he got his diaper changed right away.


Anonymous said...

He is really starting to communicate with you. Maybe he'll be potty trained early. Sure seems that way.

Heather E said...

Oh that would be sooo nice! Erin was daytime potty trained at 2 so maybe we can do that for Eric too!