Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sleeping Babes and Naked Teachers

Eric didn't want to take a nap Sunday so I let him run around, play and swim hoping to get an early night. While I was making dinner he just laid down and fell asleep with his blanket and a random baby (too cute!).

Emma was waiting for me to get dinner started to read her her new favorite book (thanks Oma!). And then of course she fell asleep too!

While the others were taking a nap, Erin decided to play teacher (which makes this former teacher thrilled!). Maybe she thought she was teaching at a nudist colony? Anyhow, it was fun to peek in on her setting up chairs, getting the stuffed animals ready and then she read a few books to them. FUN!


Shannon Ryan said...

Isn't it sweet when they zonk out wherever.. it doesn't happen often here, but when it does it's such a cute moment! I love the nudist teacher too.. how perfect!

You're on a blogging craze, eh?! Tomorrow is school for Emma.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Mom said...

We just love all of the blog updates. It is a joy to see what fun they have been having this summer. Just think, Erin could be your future teacher. She would be a good one.

Dona Eggar said...

they are so creative. I love the nudist school. (-: Who would have thought. Of course, her daddy never has a shirt on at home so might as well just get rid of the rest!
Sweet babies just falling asleep on the floor...they do work hard at your house! It's big job to keep up with their mom and dad! precious!