Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Having Fun in the Pool!

Here they are enjoying another beautiful day in Kansas. It is usually in the 100+ every day in August and we have been in the upper 80's and 90's, so we are out and about even more! We have upgraded from the hard plastic round baby pool to this inflatable one. We have an even bigger one from back in the Ogden days but I like the size of this one and that I can empty it at any time. The three children had a great time playing with the water the other day.

I love the action shots my camera can get!!!!!

Yes, that would be a "two fer!"

Eric wasn't too happy about getting wet in the face. He learned a valuable lesson, don't play with water if you don't want to get wet!


Shannon Ryan said...

aww poor eric! He'll be used to it and joining right in next summer.. then those girls better watch out!! hehe

Mom said...

Such great action shots and how much fun were they all having. Eric will get back at them later.