Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Game Night

Josh just left for the field yesterday, thankfully this exercise is only until Friday night.
We really wanted to have some good family time together so we decided to play a game called Station Breaks. It was a lot of fun! Emma and Josh were sitting across from me, Erin and Eric, why I didn't get a picture of our side...well I don't know. It could have been that Emma and Josh were so animated together, they really are a lot alike. And also my goal was to participate in the game not to take pictures the whole time.
Emma had drawn a card that had her wearing glasses for two turns. She ran to the van to get her Barbie glasses and it was that cute picture that got me to grab my camera.

No sooner did Emma get to take her glasses off then Josh drew a similar card. He just grabbed her glasses and I grabbed the camera again.

Good team work!

A tired little chica!


Mom said...

I love the pictures of Emma and Josh. Such love and fun were had by them both. Great pictures as always.

Shannon Ryan said...

What a fun game!! Might have to look into that one!

Sherri said...

It is just so amazing how each time I look at the blog, the girls look more grown up and Josh is usually missing his shirt.

Heather E said...

heheee. :-D Josh rarely wears his shirt at home and I even thought about that as I was taking the pictures!!!