Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Long Version of the First Day of School

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Emma's first day of school

As you can tell Emma was a bit nervous before her first day. I told her that I used to be nervous too, even when I was the teacher! Josh is currently out in the field for a week, his last week of training before deploying late fall. However, his commander let the soldiers whose children started school today come home for it. :-) Josh got in a little after midnight and was able to have breakfast with us before taking Emma to school.

Emma's school is Amanda Arnold Elementary home of the Panda Bears!
Here she is in front of the school sign.

They had a neat opportunity for parents of Kindergartners, we got to stay for a few hours with our child before leaving them for the rest of the half day, which was only an hour and a half more. Our neighbor watched Erin and Eric for us so that Josh and I could both attend!!! Later I found out that not all elementary schools in our district did this - I am so thankfully ours did.

We went through the routine that Emma would go through at school. Once they arrive all student report to the gym/cafeteria and wait to be dismissed. Emma's class room is a straight shot from the gym all the way at the end.

Here is Emma and Josh going into her room. I will blog later about the previous night when we found out Emma's teacher, Mrs. Shepek and went to her room to drop off supplies. It was nice that this wasn't the first time in her new classroom.

Josh helping Emma with her name tag and our sweet little girl!

Emma at her table.

They say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning!

Getting her supplies organized

Off to music class, which she will have twice a week.

The music teacher, Mrs. Hufnagel

The children dancing to the music

I ALMOST cried here, but I didn't! In fact, I only shed ONE tear today however tomorrow will be a different story.

Then it was off to PT...I mean PE! ;-)
They have this twice a week and three times every other week

I think she was getting a little nervous

Off to run, jump, skip and hop

Or maybe not

Emma got a bit overwhelmed in PE and ran to daddy

He ever so sweetly walked her to to participate (notice the boy in front who didn't want to go either)

She had bouts of doubt, but assured us she would participate tomorrow now that she isn't afraid anymore.

Back in the classroom, Josh helped Emma fill out an information sheet

Here are her responses (you'll have to enlarge to actually read them)

The last thing we did before parents left was to sit in a large circle and play the name association game.

That's her teacher left of center.

A kiss goodbye and on her way to independence.


Shannon Ryan said...

What great shots Heather, I felt like I was there too!! I'm SOOOO glad that Josh got to be there for her first day of school and that the neighbor could take care of the other two, so you could both put all the focus on Emma! What a special day... :)

Dona Eggar said...

Such a special day! The school administration seems to be very intune with children (and their parents) and I am so grateful that the dads got to go. What a blessing for Emma and for Daddy to have been able to do this together! I am sure Josh remembers being shy to start with when he was younger. So he understood her hesitation. Thank you for giving us a real "mouse in the corner" view of the day!

Dona Eggar said...

Oh, I forgot...are you getting a dalmatian puppy? (-:

Mom and Dad said...

Such a wonderful collage of pictures. You got the feeling that you were right there with Emma on her first day of school. It was fantastic that Josh could be with Emma on her first day of school. He definitely helped her through some rough spots. It looks like Emma will be going to a fantastic school with an emphasis on the children and family. Thanks for sharing this most important day with us.

Brittany Urbanek said...

I can't believe she is in school now!!! I wish I was there. I can't believe you only had one tear... I was balling my eyes out when I saw the blog for the first time =) I love the pictures!!!

Dona Eggar said...

I have to admit, Brittany, that Jessica and I were crying too. I was trying to read Heather's picture explanations out loud but we had to just end up reading them ourselves! She will do fabulous but it's hard to believe she is already in school!